
This is the seventh edition of ONE and like the others it is late. We are trying to advance the deadline each month so that, before too long, we will have the magazine properly in your hands by the first of the month appearing on the cover. Of course the important thing is not the date but the content, and we hope this July edition will please you even more than the earlier ones. You must not think of ONE as a well-heeled, brilliantly staffed commercial publication designed for sales appeal. ONE is written, printed, mailed, sold by people like yourself who have interests and backgrounds very like your own. No member of our staff has ever received a dime for any of his work even though our business manager has found it imperative to quit his regular job so he can devote full time, at least for a while, to the magazine. No writer has ever been paid for any of his writings appearing in ONE. As a result of this, we know there is room for improvement although we work very hard.

These first seven months were rugged. You saw the grotesquely cut second edition and the seemingly fanciful unevenness of deliveries. But we are not looking for a shoulder to cry on, for we believe the worst is behind us. Our subscriptions have doubled in the past two months, the magazine is finally on sale at some newsstands and we expect it to be available at more soon.

Our net, paid monthly circulation (including subs and unit sales) has just passed the 2,000 mark. While not bad, the figure must be vastly increased. Since we have neither financial backing nor paid personnel there is no one we can appeal to but you. ONE is the only publication of its kind in the United States-as far as we know on the North American continent-and we are determined that it will live and grow and make its influence felt.